Sinful Desires... OUT NOW

Infinite Love Novella - Discreet Foil Signed Paperback

PREORDER FOR DISPATCH ON OCTOBER 25th. The beautiful conclusion to the Hunkholes and their women

$29.00 $50.00


★★★★★This books as the perfect “ending” to the hunkholes before we get to read about their children. Love love loved it!!!!! I could feel the characters connection to each other and it made my heart swell with love. - Natalie, Goodreads


The Happy Ever After you've been waiting for. Follow the Hunkholes and their beautiful women, as they gather in the Hamptons for the wedding of Ari and Olivia.


It had been almost three years since I said “I do” to Lourde Diamond. Back then, I had no idea life could be this incredible. Now, we were the proud parents of little Colton, and I couldn’t begin to describe how much love I have for that little guy.

Sinking back against the jet’s leather seat, I released a soft, weary sigh that I hoped my wife didn’t hear. I was too young of a man to feel so tired, but then there weren’t many things quite like an active two-year-old, either. Colton could drain the energy from a fully charged battery if he set his mind to it. 

It wasn’t that I thought Lourde would worry about me—just the opposite. I was waiting for her to tease me about being unable to keep up. Though I knew it would be gentle and loving—she always was. My pride wouldn’t allow for it.

But I’d be damned if the kid wasn’t determined to wear us both down before Ari and Olivia said their vows.

“Colton.” Lourde’s voice was stern as she took hold of our son and returned him firmly to the seat next to her, facing mine. “What did I tell you? You have to keep your seat belt on when we’re taking off. It’s the rule.” That was the magic word. He was at an age where testing boundaries was always the order of the day, but whenever we brought up a rule—something that couldn’t be broken—he fell in line.

I had to wonder how much longer that would last, but it was Lourde’s opinion that we should enjoy it while we could. Eventually, he would be enough to know some rules could be bent if not broken. Considering his genes and the fact that neither of his parents ever cared much for rules, it seemed inevitable that we were in for it.

When Colton looked my way, I winked at him, and he gave me a tiny grin. “Listen to your mother,” I said, and Lourde laughed softly.

“Why is it all you have to do is say “listen to your mother,” and he changes his tune?” she whispered, a little exasperated.

Now, Colton was happy to look at a picture book, gently kicking his feet as he flipped the pages. It had been a big day full of last-minute arrangements and packing extra clothing in light of a possible storm set to bear down on East Hampton on the day of the wedding. Lourde was nothing if not constantly prepared for any possibility. Now was the time for all three of us to wind down.

I didn’t have an answer for her, so I could only shrug before returning to a couple of emails that needed my attention. We’d be spending the better part of a week in the Hamptons for Ari and Olivia’s wedding, and while I wanted to step away from work for a while, there were a few issues that needed my attention before I could shut my brain off and focus on the time spent with my best friends.

“Just think,” Lourde told Colton, brushing thick, chocolate-brown hair from his forehead as she spoke. “Noah will be there. You guys will have so much fun together this week.” My heart swelled at the excitement on my son’s face and the way he clapped his hands in anticipation of time spent with his own best friend. Ari and Olivia’s son was a few months younger than Colton, but they were already joined at the hip. It was great to see, of course, and not a play date went by when Lourde didn’t come home imagining the two of them being best friends for the rest of their lives. “Just like you and the other hunk holes,” she would say.

Just like me and the other hunk holes. I laughed but hoped that was true. I wanted my son to be fortunate enough to find friends who would be by his side his entire life through all the ups and downs—changes like starting families and being responsible for more than just ourselves and our businesses. 

“Sometimes I still can’t believe it,” I mused, chuckling softly while my phone sat untouched in my lap. I couldn’t seem to get my thoughts together, not with memories overlapping and clouding my concentration.

Lourde looked up at me, and the sunshine streaming in through the window at her right highlighted the familiar curves of her perfect face. I had memorized them all during our time together, but she still never failed to captivate me. “Can’t believe what?” she asked as a fond smile touched the corners of her mouth.

“Any of it. Another wedding. All of us settling down, having kids.” I could only shake my head and laugh at myself when I remembered the not-so-distant past. The way my friends and I had torn through most of Manhattan’s fuckable women without a second thought. “I never imagined this.”

Her eyes lit up, reminding me so much of Colton. There was a moment when I couldn’t breathe. He had her eyes, her nose, and the shape of her mouth. Lucky kid. “Maybe that’s something you can use for your speech at the reception,” she suggested. “You were saying you weren’t sure what to talk about, right?”

She had a point. It wasn’t the public speaking that bothered me. Normally, when the best man gave a speech at a wedding, it was filled with memories of times they’d shared, but I couldn’t share many memories that would be appreciated in mixed company. We didn’t need anybody gasping and clutching their vintage pearls. 

As it was, Ari’s grandmother was getting over being ill—it was still up in the air whether she would be able to attend the wedding, something that weighed heavily on Ari’s mind. I didn’t want to be responsible for her relapse because I shared details of past fun her grandson had gotten up to in our single days. She was a tough lady, formidable, but everybody had their limits.

Once we were in the air, and it was clear Colton couldn’t stand sitting still a minute longer, Lourde unbuckled him so he could play with Naomi, his nanny. “Get him nice and tired out,” I suggested, and I was only partly joking. While Naomi’s presence meant we wouldn’t have to worry about Colton while we took care of wedding business, I would still feel better knowing he was too exhausted to get up to mischief and run his nanny ragged. Lourde and I agreed she was a godsend, but never more than at a time like this.

“I’m so excited to finally see Olivia’s dress.” As Lourde spoke, her thumbs flew over her phone. “She just picked it up.”

“Have you been able to get in touch with your brother? He’s been MIA for the past few days.”

Her thumbs went still, and her brow furrowed like she was thinking back before she shook her head. “Now that you mention it, no. I mean, I know they’re coming, of course.” Still frowning, she looked down at her phone and started typing another message. “What am I saying? The times I’ve reached out to Pepper, she’s been vaguely busy too.”

Interesting. After finishing my last email, I let my thoughts wander to my brother-in-law and his fiancée. “You don’t think there’s any trouble with them, do you?” I asked, waving off the offer of champagne from the attendant.

Lourde did the same, though she requested bottled water and fresh fruit for her and Colton. “No way. Not with them. And it’s not like Pepper wouldn’t tell me,” she added with what I sensed was forced confidence.

“Then again, she might not since it’s your brother she’s engaged to,” I pointed out.

“In two years, there’s not much she hasn’t told me.” Her mouth tightened into a thin, almost disgusted frown. “Sometimes I wish she would keep certain things to herself. I’m not a prude, but he’s still my brother.”

“No, you are definitely not a prude.” Now, as we flew over Long Island on our way to Ari’s home, I couldn’t help admiring my wife's firm legs. The soft, light sundress she wore meant getting a peek of her thighs whenever she moved or when the breeze hit her the right way and lifted the fabric.

She cleared her throat sharply, and I managed to pry my attention away from her legs to meet her gaze. “What, you’re not satisfied after what I gave you this morning?” she asked, arching an eyebrow while delivering a knowing smirk.

“That was this morning,” I pointed out with a growl. “Don’t act like you don’t love knowing I’m craving you again.” 

Her smirk faded, replaced by worry lines between her delicately arched brows. “I’m a little concerned about Connor and Pepper. They would tell us if they were having problems, wouldn’t they?” 

“For one thing, they’re not going to have problems. Not them.” I knew Connor in a way his sister didn’t and never would. I knew what it meant to have his perfect partner by his side. How it had changed him, the way I’d been changed. A man didn’t simply let that slip through his fingers.

Lourde remained unconvinced. “They’ve been engaged all this time, though, without setting a date or even talking about it. And I know…” She chewed her lip while her eyes darted away, her attention directed out the window.

“There’s nothing but clouds down there,” I reminded her.

“No kidding,” she retorted. “Maybe I like to look at clouds.”

Maybe she liked changing the subject a little more. “Very funny. What were you going to say before you cut yourself off?” I pressed.

“Colton, settle down,” Lourde said instead, craning her neck to look at our rambunctious son, who had apparently decided it would be fun to run races with himself up and down the aisle between the two rows of seats. 

I’d told Naomi to wear him out, hadn’t I? Perhaps not the best advice, considering where we were at the moment.

“Keep changing the subject.” I sat back, folding my hands over my stomach and arching an eyebrow. “I can wait. I have nowhere else to be.”

She only rolled her eyes at my joke. “I’m just saying, maybe there’s a reason they’ve been engaged all this time but still haven’t set a date. Maybe things aren’t as strong as we want to think they are.” Her teeth sank into her lip again, and those worry lines appeared. “I would hate that for both of them.”

Moments like this reminded me of what drew me to her in the first place. All right, so her body and my unending hunger for it had played a part, but that wasn’t enough to make a man jump through the sort of hoops I had jumped through to keep us together. My best friend sure as hell hadn’t wanted me to be with his sister, and neither had her father at first. There were plenty of obstacles in our way, but nothing insurmountable. You don’t go through what we did for the sake of a hot fuck.

Switching seats, I settled in next to my wife and took one of her hands in mine, which meant she had to stop picking nervously at the hem of her dress. “Dollface, look at me.”

She complied, albeit in her own time, almost begrudgingly. “I would just hate for them to be having problems, especially with the wedding and everything over the next few days. Can you imagine us being in a bad place together and having to watch people you love get married and be blissfully happy?”

No. I couldn’t. I didn’t want to consider the idea since it would’ve meant considering the two of us being in a bad place. Nothing could’ve been further from the truth. We had been on a two-year honeymoon, and nothing would change that.

“Do you want to know one of the things I love most about you?” I laced my fingers through hers, locking our hands together. “Your heart. You love so hard. You also worry just as hard, and I know Connor wouldn’t want that.”

Her chin trembled slightly before she caught herself, then sighed. “He’s my brother. She’s my best friend.”

“And sometimes, we have to trust people,” I reminded her as gently as I could. “We must believe if they need our help and are going through a hard time, they’ll come to us. Right?”

“That’s true, I guess.” However, she didn’t seem convinced, not by a long shot. “I’m probably being overly emotional.”

“Well, there’s a big event in front of us. You know you always get emotional around weddings.” Another thing to love about her, along with so many others. “Don’t try to put out a fire we don’t know is burning. One thing at a time.”

“Right, of course.” She gave her body a little shake as if trying to brush off her worries, which naturally made all of the appetizing parts of her shake temptingly enough to grab my dick’s attention.

“You’d better be careful about that,” I warned, making sure we weren’t being watched before letting my free hand roam beneath her hem. “I might not be able to help myself.”

Her cheeks flushed, and she giggled. “Don’t even give me the spiel about the Mile High Club because we’re already card-carrying members.”

She didn’t have to tell me that. The fact was, it didn’t matter if we were miles in the air, in the back of the car, or sneaking a quickie in the pantry while Colton was taking a nap. We tended to christen just about every location we happened to visit. There was no quenching my thirst for her body, for the blissful oblivion that came with sinking deep into her and letting go of everything else in favor of what only she could give me.

For the time being, I settled for indulging in her silky thigh before behaving like a good boy and leaving my hand in my lap. “This is going to be a great event. I want you to relax and enjoy yourself. Do all the wedding things you’ve been talking about for weeks. Don’t worry so much. They’ll let us know if there is a problem, and then we can try to help them. All right?”

I didn’t quite believe her sunny smile, but I pretended to. “Right. This is about Ari and Olivia. Everything’s going to be great,” she chirped.

Just the same, as we were preparing to land and Colton was strapped into his seat again, I shot Connor a quick text.

Me: Will be at the airport in a few minutes. Looking forward to seeing you two there.

By the time we landed and were waiting for our luggage to be loaded into the waiting limo, I hadn’t received a reply. Lourde’s concerns rang out in my head, though I pretended otherwise for her sake. My best friend would tell me if something was wrong. Wouldn’t he?

Her cheeks flushed, and she giggled. “Don’t even give me the spiel about the Mile High Club because we’re already card-carrying members.”

She didn’t have to tell me that. The fact was, it didn’t matter if we were miles in the air, in the back of the car, or sneaking a quickie in the pantry while Colton was taking a nap. We tended to christen just about every location we happened to visit. There was no quenching my thirst for her body, for the blissful oblivion that came with sinking deep into her and letting go of everything else in favor of what only she could give me.

For the time being, I settled for indulging in her silky thigh before behaving like a good boy and leaving my hand in my lap. “This is going to be a great event. I want you to relax and enjoy yourself. Do all the wedding things you’ve been talking about for weeks. Don’t worry so much. They’ll let us know if there is a problem, and then we can try to help them. All right?”

I didn’t quite believe her sunny smile, but I pretended to. “Right. This is about Ari and Olivia. Everything’s going to be great,” she chirped.

Just the same, as we were preparing to land and Colton was strapped into his seat again, I shot Connor a quick text.

Me: Will be at the airport in a few minutes. Looking forward to seeing you two there.

By the time we landed and were waiting for our luggage to be loaded into the waiting limo, I hadn’t received a reply. Lourde’s concerns rang out in my head, though I pretended otherwise for her sake. My best friend would tell me if something was wrong. Wouldn’t he?

★★★★★ This was an amazing ending to the Elite Men of Manhattan Series. You get to see all the characters and where they’re at a few years later, along with a little sneak peak into Missy’s next series of the Elite Men’s children. This novella made me laugh, cry and smile throughout each page. All emotions were on show for this, and I couldn’t love it more.- Ella, Amazon


❤️ Wedding

❤️ Forced Proximity

❤️ Hunkholes and their women

❤️ Angst


✔️ Infinite Love Novella - Paperback


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Whether it be enemies-to-lovers or forced proximity, Missy Walker’s bundle has you covered. Hear from Missy herself about her favorite tropes!

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Missy Walker Author

Infinite Love Novella - Discreet Foil Signed Paperback

$29.00 $50.00

Her cheeks flushed, and she giggled. “Don’t even give me the spiel about the Mile High Club because we’re already card-carrying members.”

She didn’t have to tell me that. The fact was, it didn’t matter if we were miles in the air, in the back of the car, or sneaking a quickie in the pantry while Colton was taking a nap. We tended to christen just about every location we happened to visit. There was no quenching my thirst for her body, for the blissful oblivion that came with sinking deep into her and letting go of everything else in favor of what only she could give me.

For the time being, I settled for indulging in her silky thigh before behaving like a good boy and leaving my hand in my lap. “This is going to be a great event. I want you to relax and enjoy yourself. Do all the wedding things you’ve been talking about for weeks. Don’t worry so much. They’ll let us know if there is a problem, and then we can try to help them. All right?”

I didn’t quite believe her sunny smile, but I pretended to. “Right. This is about Ari and Olivia. Everything’s going to be great,” she chirped.

Just the same, as we were preparing to land and Colton was strapped into his seat again, I shot Connor a quick text.

Me: Will be at the airport in a few minutes. Looking forward to seeing you two there.

By the time we landed and were waiting for our luggage to be loaded into the waiting limo, I hadn’t received a reply. Lourde’s concerns rang out in my head, though I pretended otherwise for her sake. My best friend would tell me if something was wrong. Wouldn’t he?

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